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Act II (6/26)


Gatterer Julia

Monday, December 13, 2010


Hi everybody!=)

Did anyone get why Algernon comes to Jack's house and pretends to be "Mr Ernest Worthing"??=)



1 Comment from Fischer Julia

13-12-2010 7:12 pm

Hi Julia,

I think Algernon comes to Jack's house and pretends to be Ernest in order to have the opportunity to meet Cecily.

I hope my answer could help you! =)

2 Comment from Biamino Camilla

13-12-2010 9:00 pm

Hi Juli,
I think Algy also wants to go there by pretending to be Mr. E.W. to look what Jack is "hiding". WHY he has this double identity but also to meet Cecily as Jul already said. =)

Comment from Biamino Camilla

Hi Juli,
I think Algy also wants to go there by pretending to be Mr. E.W. to look what Jack is "hiding". WHY he has this double identity but also to meet Cecily as Jul already said. =)

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