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act III (5/26)


Biamino Camilla

Monday, December 13, 2010


Hi again,

I like the 3rd act as much as the others.

They are talking about the marriage and Lady Bracknell acts like SHE's the guardian of Cecily and only she can decide if anybody is allowed to marry each other.

I like the comedy in general very much. I just have to laugh all the time... XD



1 Comment from Moser Lea Maria

14-12-2010 2:08 pm

Hey Milla! I think Act III. is very surprising, the ending is just too great=))))

2 Comment from Clara Michaela

14-12-2010 4:34 pm

I think the III act is the best one and also the funniest!! =)
I really liked it!!

Comment from Moser Lea Maria

Hey Milla! I think Act III. is very surprising, the ending is just too great=))))

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