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The fourth day (11/51)


Fulterer Lisa

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014



Dear mum and dad,

 Thanks that you wrote to me:-)))))

The rugby afternoon was fun, some things I couldn't do because I wore glasses. Our team lost the game, so we weren't so good....;-) But it was fun.

With the glasses is all ok. The attac is holding very good and so I could watch the sky yesterday evening. There were some telescopes, and with them we watched the sky.

We had a skype session with Yvonnes family in South Africa today. It was really interesting!

Today we worked for the presentation tomorrow.. But it is a secret what we did;-)

Love, Lisa



2 Kommentare

1 Comment from Domesle Yvonne

18.07.2014 01:22

Am most impressed with your work today. Well done Lisa!!!!

2 Kommentar von Monika Fill

18.07.2014 08:39

Hallo Schatzi, mir freidn ins voollle Kanne :-))) drauf di heint wieder zu segn, und sein schun gonz gsponnt af die Präsentation!!
xoxo from mummy and dad!!!

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