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We are still working! (17/38)


Giacomuzzi Katharina

Dienstag, 10. Juli 2012


Summer Academy 2012


Yesterday for dinner we had 2 types of Lasagne and today for lunch we had WIENER- SCHNITZEL, mmh yummi :-D

PS: Thx for your comments/ mails :-)


1 Kommentar

1 Comment from Greetings vom home!

10.07.2012 19:32

Hallo Katharina,
thanks for the photo. You looks very concentrated and it seems you have much to learn. I hope not too much and you have enough time for chilling. At home it is a lite bit boring without you but otherwise everything is OK. Today I heard the mother of Martina by phone and she told me, that Martina looks forward to meet you next week. I hope you have find nice friends and you feel good at London.
At soon
Mum, Dad & Jakob

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