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Thinking time (15/38)


Schorr Lara Valeria

Dienstag, 10. Juli 2012


Summer Academy 2012


I and Laura are working on a dialogue. It`s fun to act out dialogues. 




3 Kommentare

1 Comment from Schorr

10.07.2012 18:55

Hey Lara,

you seem very concentrated on the picture. Hope there is also time for relaxing.
Is it still raining in London? Did you get an umbrella? Is the cheaper hotel comfortable enough for a princess?
What a pity, that you cannot meet your big sister this time. I shall tell her your blog-address.
Bye bye. sleep well and I wish you funny dreams.


2 Comment from Schorr Anna

11.07.2012 10:35

Hi Lara,

What are you up to today?

I saw all the pictures from your course and it really seems like you guys are having fun! I'm working and it's not so much fun today as most of my colleagues are on holidays.

The weather here in Stockholm is pretty bad too, so you don't have to be jealous when you have rain in London.

How long are you still going to stay? I'm sure that your parents and your little siblings are already missing you!

I miss you too and hope I will see you soon.

Take care!

3 Comment from Schorr Lara Valeria

12.07.2012 20:30

Hi Anna,
Today we have written roleplays. I'm the tour guide. That's funny but I have also to learn much text. Tomorrow the course finishes and we will perform our play for our parents.

I miss you, Mira, Zeno and my parents too!

Love Lara

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