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White stork (26/47)

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Mittwoch, 21. April 2010


lake Neusiedl

Nadia, Petra und Claudia

The White Stork (ciconia ciconia)


  • Mass: 2,3-4,4 kg
  • Length: 1m
  • Wingspan: 60-150 cm
  • Age: lifespan in the wild->25 years ; captive individuals->48 years

White Storks are tall birds with long red legs, long neck and a red bill. The males and the females are similar. Storks are mute, because they have no syrinx. They communicate through bill-clattering and movements.


They occur in most of the warmer regions of the world depending on the season. During winter they inhabit northern, western and south-eastern parts of Africa and Asia. In April they return back to Europe for summer time. Their long journey back to Africa begins in August. Storks live in large nests made of sticks, dry grass and other vegetation. Their nests are generally close to water areas and to human habitation.

Food Habits:

Most storks eat frogs, fish, insects, earthworms, scorpions, spiders, snakes, small mammals and eggs of ground-nesting birds. They reach their food while walking with their bill pointed towards the ground.


They occur in loose groups. During the breeding season white storks nest in small groups, but their nests are not close enough to be able to hear or see other pairs. During migration and in their winter range they form large groups of hundreds or thousands. White storks place their nests in high places, protecting their young and eggs from most terrestrial predators. They also vigorously defend the young. They are active during the day. The white stork is almost silent except for the noisy mutual bill-clattering when adults meet at the nest. It’s always a very lovely and spectacular reunion.

Other comments:

The presence of stork nests is viewed as a sign of good luck; the stork is not persecuted and often builds nests close to human habitation. The arrival of a white stork was once thought to herald the arrival of a new baby. They are also the official birds of Lithuania and part of the symbol for the city of The Hague, Netherlands.



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