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Title: Winnie the Witch
Title: Winnie the Witch
Author: Valerie Thomas


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Title: Winnie the Witch

Author: Valerie Thomas

In dem Buch geht es um ...
... What`s the book about: The book is about Winnie the witch. She lives with her black cat in a black house in the forest. Winnie decides to put a magic spell on her black cat. The cat changes the colour and becomes green. Winnie can`t find her cat, because it goes in the grass. So Winnie puts another spell on her cat and it becomes rainbow coloured but the cat is not happy and so Winnie makes another spell.

Das Buch gefällt mir weil ...
... I like it, because it is magical


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Endi 5R
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Endi 5R (11)
Klasse 5R, Grundschule Goethe in Bozen



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