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Summer Academy 2009 (31-40/49)




Tonietto Marta

Dienstag, 14. Juli 2009

Zuletzt geändert:
Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2009


Summer Academy 2009




What do the children say on Halloween?

a)      Treat or Trick

b)      Trick or Treat

c)      Track or Treat

d)      Trock or Treat



When do the British people drink their tea?

a)      4p.m.b)      5p.m.c)      6p.m.d)      7p.m.  

The city


Falk Elisabeth

Dienstag, 14. Juli 2009


Summer Academy 2009

 cimg3148.pngIt’s Monday afternoon. It’s spring and most of the people are wearing pullovers. On the street there is garbage, but that’s not important to the people. Many people are coming from shopping and in their hands they are holding shopping bags. Amongst these people there is Amy, a nice woman. She is crossing the street with the other people. She is looking at the street signs and thinking which way to take. Usually she goes by taxi, but today she hasn’t got any money for that, so she must walk to her apartment. She is a saleslady. Amy is wearing flip-flops and a grey dress. Next to the garbage there is a black car and Amy wishes that this car was her.

 Marta Tonietto & Elisabeth Falk


The sun is hot


Neumair Matthias

Dienstag, 14. Juli 2009


Summer Academy 2009


  On a hot summer’s day the sky is light blue. Annette and Marc go in the garage and fetch their car. They want to make an excursion. They drive by care to the forest. This excursion is very interesting.The car stops, because the petrol is finished. Annette and Marc must walk on foot. Suddenly they meet an elephant. Annette and Marc are afraid, but later they’ll ride on the elephant’s back. The elephant leads the woman and the man to a waterhole. Annette and Marc drink the water and go on without the elephant.100 metres on Marc and Annette see a river. They cross the river. Suddenly a crocodile jumps out of the water. Marc and Annette run out of the river. Pugh, that was close! They go away, and then Marc and Annette see a bus. They get in the bus and go home. Neumair Matthias and Kreithner Konstantin

Ready for takeoff


Kössler Franziska

Dienstag, 14. Juli 2009


Summer Academy 2009

Hallo! hier in Tramin ist es toll! Wir singen, knüpfen Freundschaftsbänder und haben viel Spaß! Der Englischkurs ist witzig, spannend und interessant und die Professoren sind nett. Ich habe schon viele Freundinnen gefunden. Grüße an meine Eltern und an meine Geschwiester           Franziska


ready for takeoff ". 2. Tag


Zöschg Laura

Dienstag, 14. Juli 2009


Summer Academy 2009
  Hallo! Ich fühle mich hier wie zu Hause. Wir singen und machen zusammen Freundschaftsbänder. Ich werde es bereuen, nach Hause zu fahren. Ich grüße meine Eltern und meinen Bruder Lukas. Laura zöschg 

Holiday in Namibia


Wolf Anna

Dienstag, 14. Juli 2009


Summer Academy 2009
  Its summer and two girls want to go on holiday to Africa. They want to make a trip to the wildlife of Namibia. As soon as they come out of the airplane the girls see a wonderful National Park. They rent a jeep and drive around in the Park. Suddenly they see very big excrements! So the girls follow the trace. Two hours later they see a family of very big and large animals with long trunks. There are the parents, the children and other animals. The girls are a little bit scared because the animals are so big and strong, but also peaceful. The girls see that the animals are ill and so they phone a veterinary. He says that he will come immediately to the animals.At the end the animals are well and they can finish their long trip.


Anna Wolf & Samantha Pallua

Ready for takeoff 2.Tag


Zöschg Laura

Dienstag, 14. Juli 2009


Summer Academy 2009
  Hallo! Wir haben hier in Tramin so viel Spaß. Wir singen, machen Freundschaftsbänder und haben einfach Spaß - und das machen wir alles zusammen. Ich werde es bereuen, wieder nach Hause zu fahren  ; ich habe schon so viele Freunde gefunden!!!!! Ich grüße meine Eltern und meinen Bruder! L G Laura Zöschg 

,,Description of an African man"


Gorfer Lisa Maria

Gorfer Lisa Maria

Dienstag, 14. Juli 2009


Summer Academy 2009
  In our picture there are a lot of trees. There is a hut made of wood. We think the wood is from a bamboo tree. The colour of the floor is light brown, we think it’s sand. The man in front of the picture is poor for us, but for the people there, he is rich. We think he is a poacher. He shoots tigers, lions and cheetahs. The man is black. He has a dress made of cheetah fur and a headband also made of cheetah fur. He has long black hair with plaits. On his arms are a lot of bracelets. 



Lisa Marie and Debora :) :)


2. Tag " Ready for takeoff"


Kössler Franziska

Dienstag, 14. Juli 2009

Zuletzt geändert:
Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2009


Summer Academy 2009

unsere Aufgabe war es zu einem aus der Zeitung ausgeschnittenen Foto eine Geschichte zu schreiben, natürlich in Englisch! 



Rupert, the gazelle 

There is a gazelle. The name of the gazelle is Rupert. One day Rupert goes with elephants, giraffes, birds and antelopes to a little pond. But he doesn’t look where he is going. He looks at the wonderful birds in the sky. But – SPLASH – he falls into the pond. He says: „Oh! This water is disgusting. „ Oh, no, here an elephant went to the toilet. All the animals run away and say: „ Oh, no! It’s so disgusting!“

 von Laura und Franziska



Hey! Hallo! Hallöle


Kössler Franziska

Montag, 13. Juli 2009


Summer Academy 2009

Hier ist es sehr schön und toll!

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