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To Evi & Yvonne (6/60)


Schweigl Veronika

Freitag, 15. Juli 2011


Summer Academy 2011

Dear Evi, dear Yvonne!

thank you sooooooooooo much for this unforgetable and very very nice days.

I now that this week was a lot of work for you, but with your very good work we haved the chance to lerned a lot of new things in english.

this week was so AMAZING!!!!! thank you and I hope to see you soon.

 best wishes,



1 Kommentar

1 Kommentar von Obkircher Serena

15.07.2011 14:05

yes, it's true..
thank you for all!!

Kommentar von Obkircher Serena

yes, it's true..
thank you for all!!

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