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The behaviour of Sulphur


Alexander Klement

Alexander Klement

Donnerstag, 7. Januar 2010

Zuletzt geändert:
Donnerstag, 28. Januar 2010



Question: What happens if we pour liquid sulfur into the water?


  • Powder of Sulfur   
  • A glass beaker filled with water     
  • Bunsen Burner    
  • A test tube     
  • A few matches



  • Put the Sulfur powder into the test tube 
  • Heat with the bunsen burner (activated before whith a match) until it becomes liquid
  • Pour it into the glass beaker


  • The sulfur liquid becomes brown after a while
  • If you don't wait long enough (until it's brown), the experiment fails
  • The liquids move very slowly, which requires a lot of patience
  • If you fail the first time, you have to pay attention, because the surface of the water mix might have become solid, so change the water
  • The sulfur becomes similar to a gum


If you heat Sulfur till boiling point and you quench it immediately with water, it forms a transparent, sticky and elastic substance, which is called amorphous or plastic sulfur.


Spögler Maximillian, Alexander Klement


Mfg Kalle & Spöglor

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