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Welcome to the writing factory Vis@Vis!


Müller-Using Susanne

Müller-Using Susanne

Donnerstag, 7. Oktober 2010



Hello to everybody!

Today we want to try out the use of this virtual learning environment. You ve already talked and listened about the different aspects of environmental conditions for creative teaching and learning. Now you are in a cross-cultural work group. Please work about the following:

1. Discuss how creative teaching and learning would look like in a new country named "creative land". What would be the main characteristics of a lesson there.

2. Please summerise your describtion of lesson(s) here.

3. Read the the ideas of your partner group and make a constructive comment on it.

Comments o fth ework groups:

W1 to W2 ; W2 to W1

W3 to W4 ; W4 to W3

W5 to W6 ; W6 to W5

W7 to W8 ; W8 to W7

W9 to W10 ; W10 to W9

W11 to W12 ; W12 to W11

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