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Scratch 4 Arduino

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Scratch 4 Arduino
Scratch 4 Arduino

Liste: B

Schulstufe: OS / BS
Lizenz: Nicht lizenzpflichtig
Alter: ab 14 Jahren
Kategorie: Werkzeuge
Fach: Informatik

Scratch 4 Arduino provides new blocks for managing sensors and actuators connected to Arduino. There is also a sensors report board similar to the PicoBoard one.

The main aim of the project is attracting people to the programming world. The goal is also to provide a high level interface to Arduino programmers with functionalities such as interacting with a set of boards through user events.

Didaktische Empfehlungen:

S4A works with Arduino Diecimila, Duemilanove and Uno. Other boards haven't been tested, but they may also work.

Beantragt von: Bereich Innovation und Beratung


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