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Blog (1-1/1) English


vis@vis, the virtual writing workshop


Angerer Harald

Angerer Harald

Friday, November 21, 2008


  Visavis offers the possibility of using an online instrument for writing texts together with  additional communication facilities for being employed in school teaching  at elementary and secondary level. Visavis offers the following features:

Each text has a distinct author.

Each text may be commented on by any other user.

Pictures and other files may be inserted into the text.

Picture files are automatically scaled and formatted.


Every text is linked to a language (mixed texts can be linked to more than one language).

Visavis applies the same user names as the Viseus forums.

The principle of organization of the texts is that of a weblog.

The pupils can list the words that appear to be of importance to them and add these as tags to any text.

If necessary, several independent workshops may work simultaneously.


If requested, some or all the languages can be defined as across-the-board or inter-workshop languages.

Several teachers can be defined as tutors (administrators) for each writing workshop.

Unfinished or uncorrected texts can be saved and hidden, so they are visible for the author and the teachers only.

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