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Dear mum and dad, (23/27)


P. Magdalena

Dienstag, 3. Juli 2018



we made Pete the cat. We worked on a play. We went outside and we have made a handpuppi.

We went a story about Pete the cat.

We want a dragon hunt. I am happy.

I appreciate the kids in my group. The teacher in my group are funny, nice and friendly.

I miss you.

Sommerakademie 2018 English Tag_01 (38) (Small) (Small) (Small)

DSC_0091 (Small)DSC_0051 (Small)


2 Kommentare

1 Kommentar von Papi und Mami

03.07.2018 19:26

Dear Magdalena,
we miss you too!!
We are glad that you are having a good time! The puppi you made is wonderful!
We are looking forward to holding you in our arms!
Loads of kisses, mum and dad!

2 Kommentar von Franzi

03.07.2018 19:42

Hey my Leni!
The handpuppi is just great, I can't believe you did that! It reminds me of The Muppet Show :D I hope you enjoy all the activities :)
I loved to hear from you -Viele Bussis, your sis :)

Kommentar von Papi und Mami

Dear Magdalena,
we miss you too!!
We are glad that you are having a good time! The puppi you made is wonderful!
We are looking forward to holding you in our arms!
Loads of kisses, mum and dad!

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