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Hi everybody! (5/6)


Gafriller Nadine

Friday, December 10, 2010

Language: English



Okay, I'm the first..

Is it only me who has some problems with this book? I don't know, if it's the layout with all the numbers aside so that you always have to look at the vocab or maybe the writing..I really don't understand!  I, for one think that the story self is enjoyably and I hope that I can read the book without looking anymore at the things beside the point.





1 Comment from Neumair Sara

10-12-2010 7:14 pm

I think that the vocab list makes you sometimes turn away from the plot but in my opinion it is helpful to understand the whole storry better.
Up to now I like the book, it is interesting to read!

Bye bye

2 Comment from Andrea Gufler

12-12-2010 1:14 pm

In my opinion "Angela" is a special book, it's not like all the other books...but I can't really explain how special... :) I think it has a lot to do with Aboriginal history, I have to inform me a I can put myself better in Angelas and Gracey position!
Of course I didn`t understand every single word, but the main things are clear for me... how about you?
Which person do you like most from the book?

See you :)

3 Comment from Nicole Bulzomi'

12-12-2010 1:16 pm

Sara & Din,
I thought the exactly same thing when I started reading Angela.
But after the first 10 pages I realised that I didn't have to look EVERYTIME at the vocab and so I tried to understand all without having a look at it. Sometimes it happened that I really didn't understand some sentences and so I secretly took a peek ;)

Sorry for the mistakes ( if there are any lol)

Enjoy the book and this beautiful sunday!! See you tomorrow!!

4 Comment from Marika Caldarazzo

13-12-2010 2:29 pm

Hey :)

This book is also a bit difficult for me.
You have to concentrate a lot while you are reading it and with all the new vocab you're a bit confused.
But I'm very glad that there is a vocab list at the bottom of the page ;D the list is very helpful....
Now I'm going to continue reading!

See you :)

(Sorry for the probably existing mistakes xD )

5 Comment from Schröer Saskia

21-12-2010 4:25 pm

Heey (:

Yeah, in my opininon it's a really interesting book an I like the topic. Andrea, I am also of the opinion, that it's a book, which is really different from the others, special :D

Most of the words are understandable, I think. But it's the same with me, Nicole, sometimes, when I don't understand some sentences I look at the vocabs, but otherwise not.

See you soon(:

Comment from Andrea Gufler

In my opinion "Angela" is a special book, it's not like all the other books...but I can't really explain how special... :) I think it has a lot to do with Aboriginal history, I have to inform me a I can put myself better in Angelas and Gracey position!
Of course I didn`t understand every single word, but the main things are clear for me... how about you?
Which person do you like most from the book?

See you :)

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