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Hello (16/19)

an den anfang zurueck weiter ans ende eine ebene nach oben

O. Claudia

Dienstag, 9. Juli 2019



Hi Mum, Dad and Maxi.


How are you?

It is just  my second day, but yesterday and also today we made amazing, interesting and funny things. On Monday we played some games to make friends with the other kids. Today we danced a traditional African dance. It was very funny. We  also ate some traditional African food, it is called "biltong". We learned some words inSouth African languages, like "Molo" and "Howzit". I am sure that this week is going to be a great and amazing week.

I miss you




3 Kommentare

1 Kommentar von Martin Obexer

10.07.2019 20:53

Hallo Claudia,

ihr macht aber wirklich viel tolle Sachen. Es freut mich sehr, wenn es dir gefaellt. Ich glaube auch, dass es noch sehr interressant wird. Bei uns ist alles beim Alten. Ich wuensche dir noch eine unterhaltsame Zeit in Salern und freue mich schon riesig auf die Presentation am Freitag und dich dann wiederzusehen.

Ganz liebe Gruesse


2 Kommentar von Obexer Maximilian

10.07.2019 20:55

Hey Sis of my heart,

fine that you're fine. Here at home, actually I am not often here cause I am always working, but when I am here it is very boring without you. We are fine too. Hope that you would have a lot of joy and you see a lot of things you can laugh about.
Hope to see you soon
Your bro


3 Kommentar von Costadedoi Astrid

10.07.2019 21:02

Dear Claudi,
thats fine, wenn du so viel spass hast.
I'm looking forward the presentation and to see you.

Wünsche dir noch a good day.
mum ♥️

Kommentar von Obexer Maximilian

Hey Sis of my heart,

fine that you're fine. Here at home, actually I am not often here cause I am always working, but when I am here it is very boring without you. We are fine too. Hope that you would have a lot of joy and you see a lot of things you can laugh about.
Hope to see you soon
Your bro


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