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Experiment: Extracting DNA from a tomatoe (3/3)

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Alexander Klement

Alexander Klement

Mittwoch, 3. Februar 2010

Zuletzt geändert:
Donnerstag, 4. Februar 2010


dna extraction


- tomatoes
- knife
- baker
- petri dish
- blender
- funnel
- NaCl (sodium)
- detergent
- dest. water
- isopropanol
- wodden Stick
- test tube


- Just take the tomatoe and cut it into piecies, which have to be     about 1cm³
- After this we put them in a petri dish and add 2g of Salt (Sodium chloride) and 5ml detergent
- We smash the mix as much as possible
- Then put it into the baker
- Take the blender and mix it for 15 seconds
- Pour the tomatoe extract through a filter into the test tube
- Put 20ml of it into another baker
- Add 20ml of ethanol
- Wait some minutes until you can see some thin threads in it
- You can grab them with a stick to see them better!


We made some things wrong. These are the things we should pay attention to next time:

     - We di not mix long enough
     - We should use more detergent

Isopropanol does not solve the DNA and so it is very useful tho extract the DNA. The DNA forms bullets that rise up to the top of the liquid.

Authors: Maximillian Spögler, Klement Alexander


By Kalle and Spögler

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