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Amphibians (1/7)

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Montag, 28. Februar 2011




What is their class name and their phylum or group?
My group is amphibians. Their name is Amphibia.  This is their class name.  They are a part of the phylum Chordata.  This includes frogs and salamanders.


What are some examples of this group of animals?
One example of an amphibian is a frog.  Some more examples are salamanders and toads. One other one is a newt. Another one is a caecilian or a worm-like creature.


How do these animals reproduce? What is their life cycle like?
For Amphibians to reproduce, the male fertilizes the female's eggs after they have left her body. The female usually lays eggs in clumps or strands. Some amphibians take the time to wrap all their eggs in leaves to protect them. After the egg hatches, you have larva. Tadpoles are an example of larva. After the animal is larva, it changes into an adult.

The Olm

Olm 2

Interesting Facts

1. The Olm can survive up to 10 yrs without food!!

2. They can live to be over 58 yrs old!!

3. They are born with good eye sight, but with the complete darkness around them, their eyes stop developing and a special skin grows over them.  Their eyes are still light sensitive though.

4. They have extremely hightened senses such as smell, taste, hearing and electrosensitivity, just like sharks.

5. A female olm will lay up to 70 eggs over a 25 day period.  They hatch between 85-185 days depending on water temperature.  The young live off of yolk stored in there digestive systems for about a month.

6. They eat primary mollusks, annelids, crustaceans, insects.



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