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A day in the life of... (9/9)


Lorenzini Nadia

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Language: English


Creative writing

Dear students,

please write a short story describing a day in the life of...

Use phrasal verbs as well as adjectives to describe setting and characters to enliven your plot. Add images, photos, drawings or soundfiles. Be creative :)

After having published your story, feel free to comment on at least 3 other stories written by your classmates. Keep up an interesting plotline with eachother.

Last but not least, have fun!

Kindly, your teacher

Ms Lorenzini


1 Comment

1 Kommentar von Roschatt Hannes

13-12-2018 6:13 pm

Great job! The instructions are very clear, especially due to these paragraphs.

Kommentar von Roschatt Hannes

Great job! The instructions are very clear, especially due to these paragraphs.

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