Iftkhar Kirn
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
I didn't get the part with Miss Prism and the baby
(in Act III)
Can anybody explain it to me?? =)
Biamino Camilla
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
I've also finished the last act now. At the beginning of this act I already suspected that something strange woud happen but that it would become soooo funny. XP
First Jack pretends to be Earnest but his name is John and in the end he has both names.
I like the end it is the top of the comedy.
Biamino Camilla
Monday, December 13, 2010
Hi again,
I like the 3rd act as much as the others.
They are talking about the marriage and Lady Bracknell acts like SHE's the guardian of Cecily and only she can decide if anybody is allowed to marry each other.
I like the comedy in general very much. I just have to laugh all the time... XD
Gatterer Julia
Monday, December 13, 2010
Hi everybody!=)
Did anyone get why Algernon comes to Jack's house and pretends to be "Mr Ernest Worthing"??=)
Moser Lea Maria
Monday, December 13, 2010
Hi everybody!
I enjoy the dialogues very much! The characters say things that are extremely funny and sometimes so absurd (like Lady Bracknell: "I am not in favour of long engagements. They give people the opportunity of finding out each other's character before marriage, which I think is never advisable"...=))))......)....
Iftkhar Kirn
Saturday, December 11, 2010
I have just finished reading Act II.
It was so funny to read it, I really had to laugh. :D
Especially the conversation between Cecily and Gwendalon and when the two men suddenly arrive...
The confusion between all of them is really amusing.
I can't expact what happens next!
What do you think, will Cecily and Gwendalon forgive Algernon and Jack? (or better: "Ernest")
Biamino Camilla
Thursday, December 9, 2010
I'm nearly at the end of the 2nd act. When I read the first lines of the 2nd act I had just to laugh because I had a certain idea how the act would go on. When I then found out that I was right I couldn't really stop laughing.
Biamino Camilla
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Hello ...?
Okey... I'm the first. Somebody has to start... =)
Pfitscher Anna
Friday, December 3, 2010
Hello everybody!
Let's start our new experiment! Jot down your thoughts, ideas, perplexities, questions, ... while reading Oscar Wilde's "The Importance of Being Earnest". In this way your reading experience will be shared with your classmates and myself and you can get help as well as interesting comments on your way!
I'm looking forward to finding out about what you think of Algernon, Jack/Earnest and the ladies involved!
Read you soon!
Your English teacher
The Importance of Being Earnest