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LAST LETTER :((( (8/50)


Prunner Eva

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014



We have done a lot of things today! For first we sang a lot of songs. We had a skype session with Yvonne's family in South Africa. That was very funny!!! We talked to Katie, she was Yvonne's nanny and we laughed a lot with her and Heidi, Yvonnes niece. Now we must gow to paint our picture of South Africa.

That is my last letter from the "Sommerakedemie".

THE TIME WAS FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Love Eva          P7170537           


1 Kommentar

1 Comment from mcklaus

17.07.2014 19:28

wir sehen uns morgen und freuen uns schon darauf Mamma und Tata

Comment from mcklaus

wir sehen uns morgen und freuen uns schon darauf Mamma und Tata

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