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Welcome! (11/11)


Pfitscher Anna

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Language: English


Geometrical optics

Hello everybody!


After weeks of studying physics the time has finally come for me to show you how much I know (or don't know yet!!!) about geometrical optics!

I just hope my colleague will not be struck by some lightning, feel unwell or decide not to show up in the next two/three weeks. If that was the case I would most probably have to invent some serious illness that does not allow me to go to school!!

Anyway, I am sure we will all have a great time together, learn many new things (and words!!) and have fun as well!

I wish you to use this wonderful site to write your comments about the single lessons, to ask questions and provide answers. 

I am already looking forward to your first entries.

Read you soon

Your English teacher



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