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Hochrainer Aaron

Hochrainer Aaron

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Language: English


Geometrical optics

I'm the first of the class posting on this site... =)

looks like nobody has questions..... xD but now i know, how difficult it must be, to make a whole schoolyear in English.... =)



1 Comment from Faller Michael

01-12-2010 2:43 pm

Hello, I think it's a great idea to set up a forum, where we all have got the chance to ask questions etc. As far as I'm concerned I don't have any problems with this kind of lesson. Do we are the first class of this school with that project or have there already been some classes before us?
I'm sorry that I forgot to write a feedback yesterday, Aaron was the only one, respect =)

2 Comment from Pfitscher Anna

01-12-2010 2:48 pm

Hi Michael alias ..?!

It's good to hear that you are feeling ok with our bilingual project. No, you are not the first class to be taught a subject in English. You are, however, the first class of our school to take part in this online writing factory.

See you Saturday

Lady Hyde

3 Comment from Faller Michael

01-12-2010 2:54 pm

Michael, alias MalcomX

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