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Our School (98/102)


Yvonne Fadin

Montag, 19. April 2010


MEPEUS Projekt

The Mittelschule St. Martin is a middle school, located in a small village called St. Martin, in the mountains of Southtirol, 17 km from the city Merano.

Website :

A theme-based academic program that is infused with technology, differentiated instruction that addresses the learning needs of every student, various support services that address the emotional and social needs of students, meaningful, challenging and enriching make our school a great place to learn.

Every student in our school set challenging goals during the course of the year. Our caring staff monitors the progress of each child and action plans are redefined to ensure that efforts are targeted and progress is made. This translates to more learning and significant achievement.

We believe that parent involvement is crucial in the success of our school and for this reason we invite parents and members of our community to become involved with our school.


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